Last year's nor'easter disaster in Massachusetts was devastating. It rummaged innumerable properties and affected numerous businesses. Significant power outages lasted for over two weeks as countless power lines were downed.
More than 360,000 customers in MA were without electricity. ElecComm dispatched 24 people to help with the restoration procedure as quickly as possible.
As hurricane season kicks in once again, we can't help but look back upon what occurred last year. We’re prepared for repeat unfortunate events and compel us to constantly improve our contingency management plans. We highly recommend our customers do the same to improve and insure their business continuation in the event of repeat disasters. We encourage them to upgrade obsolete infrastructures so it won't easily break down in extreme weather condition.
Rest assured ElecComm is here to assist our customers at all times in any electrical issue they may encounter. You can rely on our quick response team to repair damaged lines and restore power immediately. Contact ElecComm for power infrastructure maintenance, repairs and emergency situations.